Graphics created in Cinema4D
Graphics created in Cinema4D
Products created in Cinema4D
Products created in Cinema4D
Products created in Cinema4D
Products created in Cinema4D
Products created in Cinema4D
Products created in Cinema4D
Graphics created in Cinema4D
Graphics created in Cinema4D
Graphics created in Cinema4D
Graphics created in Cinema4D
FAFF cluster C4D
FAFF cluster C4D
The evolution of Gav
The evolution of Gav
Gav Turn-around
Gav Turn-around
Nice teeth!
Nice teeth!
Had to be done.
Had to be done.
Hair x wind experiment C4D
Hair x wind experiment C4D
Wind in your Hair
Wind in your Hair
Trollin in the deep.
Trollin in the deep.
Fat Fishy!
Fat Fishy!
PD Bounce
PD Bounce
HR Hoyts Popcorn Artistic LED Column
HR Hoyts Popcorn Artistic LED Column
Graphics created in Cinema4D
Graphics created in Cinema4D
Products created in Cinema4D
Products created in Cinema4D
Products created in Cinema4D
Products created in Cinema4D
Products created in Cinema4D
Products created in Cinema4D
Graphics created in Cinema4D
Graphics created in Cinema4D
Graphics created in Cinema4D
Graphics created in Cinema4D
FAFF cluster C4D
FAFF cluster C4D
The evolution of Gav
The evolution of Gav
Gav Turn-aroundThis guy was made for front on view only, but I decided to do a turn around anyway..
Nice teeth!
Nice teeth!
Had to be done.
Had to be done.
Hair x wind experiment C4D
Hair x wind experiment C4D
Wind in your HairExperiment in motion
Trollin in the deep.
HairTrollsThe culmination of a an idea to make trolls, make hair do cool stuff and a stupid amount of time rendering.
Fat Fishy!
PD BounceHere I used what I had learnt from a tutorial and animated my initials.
HR Hoyts Popcorn Artistic LED ColumnMy contribution to this video was modelling Popcorn kernels and exploded pieces and setting up animations of various pieces spinning spiralling and falling. My esteemed colleagues did the rest. One animated, one created the music and sound design, and one team mate put it all together in AE.
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